Due to the popularity of the Basic and Level 1 training courses, we will be offering two sessions of each course in the fall of 2023.
BASIC CHAINSAW USE & SAFETY: Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 8AM – 4PM
COST: $220 per level, plus Eventbrite processing fees
BASIC CHAINSAW USE & SAFETY: Thursday, September 28, 2023, 8AM – 4PM
COST: $220 per level, plus Eventbrite processing fees
LEVEL I: Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 8AM – 4PM
COST: $220 per level, plus Eventbrite processing fees
LEVEL I: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 8AM – 4PM
COST: $220 per level, plus Eventbrite processing fees
WHERE: 732 James Rd. Lincoln, Vermont
WHAT: The Game of Logging training program combines Scandinavian logging techniques with the latest systems for working safely around trees. We cannot overstate the value of these courses. We have participants who’ve used chainsaws for 30 years prior to taking GOL Level I say that the course changed the way they work in the woods. The GOL Level 1-4 courses must be taken in sequence (even if you have chainsaw experience, you must begin with Level I). The Basic course is NOT a prerequisite for Level 1.
BASIC CHAINSAW SAFETY FOR BEGINNERS. In addition to our regular Game of Logging training series (Levels 1-4), we also offer a Basic Chainsaw Use & Safety course. This beginner workshop is designed especially for those with no previous chainsaw experience. In this course, you’ll gain comfort with how a chain saw operates, basic maintenance, and log-bucking techniques. It is NOT a prerequisite for Level 1. Beginners can start with Game of Logging Level 1, but know that you will be felling a 10″+ diameter tree during that workshop, which may be more than what you want to do on your first day using a chainsaw. We highly recommend the Basic course for those who haven’t used a chainsaw before.
If you opt for the Basic course, we highly recommend that you wait and practice before taking Level 1. There is some information overlap in the two courses, which will be a helpful refresher if you take them 6 months apart.
LEVEL 1. Precision Felling Techniques. This workshop introduces open-face felling and the development of techniques to safely use it. Topics covered include personal protective equipment, chainsaw safety features, chainsaw reactive forces, bore cutting, pre-planning the fell, and understanding hinge wood strength. 8AM-4PM one-day course. Maximum 10 participants. LEVEL 1 COURSE OUTLINE.
*GOL workshops are held rain or shine. They will only be cancelled in the event of extreme weather, particularly high winds.
Course FAQs, provided by the course instructors, from Northeast Woodland Training.