Colby Hill Ecological Project Research Reports
Overview Reports
Executive Summary (CHEP project manager, Marc Lapin)
- Executive Summary, 2001 (Lapin)
- Executive Summary, 2004 (Lapin)
Ecological Inventory (Lapin 1998)
Landscape Ecosystems (Lapin 2000)
Wildlife Habitat (Susan Morse 2000)
Historical Geography (William Hegman and Ahn Lee 2008)
Water Quality Monitoring (Addison County River Watch Collaborative)
Water quality monitoring began in 2021 in two of the watersheds (Beaver Meadow Brook and Isham Brook, which are headwater tributaries of the New River) in which Vermont Family Forests owns land and in which CHEP research occurs. In 2022, monitoring expanded to include Cold Brook, in whose watershed VFF had recently purchased 125 acres, in addition to substantial land within the watershed that lies within VFF’s Guthrie-Bancroft parcel (where most CHEP research occurs).